
The Burst Architecture

The goal of the Burst architecture is to take a client request with an expressive user-friendly language based specification describing a desired behavioral analysis along with a specification for an appropriate client dataset, and to extract the specified analysis from the specified dataset as fast and efficiently as possible, delivering results in a useful form back to the client with low latency.

This goal has translated to a system architecture design focused on the distribution of language driven queries from a supervisor node out to multiple worker nodes where rapid parallel scans of carefully optimized binary data are performed, results gathered, merged with other results, and passed back to the supervisor node for a final merge.

Architectural Themes

This architecture was made possible by focusing on three overarching themes that you will see directly or indirectly referenced throughout the Burst architecture. Efficient single pass scans, reduction of long tail processing returns, and generally high levels of mechanical sympathy i.e. making modern hardware perform at peak levels.

Hyper Efficient Single Pass Scans

Behavioral analysis is ultimately just a lot of looking at a lot of data records that each represent some sort of entity whose behavior is being analyzed, and performing some sort of calculus on the contained value fields. This calculus while mostly fairly simple needs to be extremely fast and efficient because of the enormous plurality of those data records and the large collections of field values they contain. For instance if the entity is a mobile application, each data record contains all the events recorded by that mobile application over a potentially very long period of time. Each of those events can have a large number of data fields and collections of records. Any significant slowdowns anywhere in that scan can turn a quick analysis into one that takes forever or even worse becomes unstable and causes system breakdowns. More on this later.

Distributed Partitioning of Data/Processing and Long-Tail Reduction

Assuming we have efficient entity record scanning, the next challenge is to be able to partition/distribute all this data and their scans out to a plurality of nodes and their cores, where these scans can be executed. We want to be able to scale up to more nodes and cores if we need to with almost no limitation. The challenge that goes along with that ideal is that you are creating a large loosely connected tree of distributed processing points. This somewhat complex multi-part distributed processing operation will take as long as the slowest part. When there are tens of thousands of parts (or more!) you need to be very careful to divide up the work symmetrically and make sure every single processing point operates at a reasonably predictable and consistent speed. This is not a small problem.

Mechanical Sympathy

In order to get Burst to meet this challenge in a cost effective way, we need to consistently push the hardware it is deployed on to a very high level of consistent speed and efficiency. This is a complex multifaceted topic but includes great focus on Java virtual machine behavior, multi-processor/core CPU memory quirks, and of course specialized data structures throughout.

Dataset Size, Signal-Seeking, Noise, and Sampling Error

One very large challenge with Behavioral Analysis systems is that for a given analysis effort, often the associated data as it is stored in its origin authoritative store is very large. There may be no practical way to import and/or scan the entire amount so workarounds need to be created.

Generally this takes the form of:
   1. Sampling the entities i.e. importing only a subset of the entities and analysing the normalized results for that subset as being representative
   2. Filtering within the entities i.e not capturing all the contained collections or fields.

Which workaround is best is not only dependent on the specific data involved but also on the type of analysis desired.

The way that Burst handles this problem is multifold:
   1. Afficient/effective handling of very large datasets per deployed worker node
   2. Ability to scale to a large number of deployed worker nodes
   3. Ability to create views which specify time-windows on data import
   4. Ability to create views which specify entity level sampling on data import
   5. Ability to create views which filter within the contents of a given entity data record on data import

These techniques are not a panacea. Analysing very large datasets often requires hard choices that sometimes lead to unwelcome compromises. Burst was designed to support implementing those choices and to reduce the compromise.

Points to consider:
   • There are some analytic semantics that return fundamentally incorrect results when run over sampled data.
   • There are some queries that can get 100% of the desired signal over a very small-time window or with only a fraction of the entity data record contents.
   • It should be noted that this is a major topic and needs to be managed in an application specific way especially as concerns the exact nature of the data import mechanism in use.

Fast On-Demand Data Import

Burst does not store data authoritatively. It relies on the Cell supervisor and worker nodes to have live connection to a external store for on demand data import and caching. When an analysis query is run, the specification for the data it is to be run on is partitioned and sent out to the worker nodes along
with the analysis specification. The worker nodes then are responsible for loading the needed partitioned slices into their local cache. Burst stores data in its cache only as a performance enhancement. If a worker node is lost, the worker node replacing it simply loads the same slice and continues on. The performance and usability of this import model supports parallel partitioned data loads and thus faster loading of on demand data from large remote stores. This is especially well matched with big data storage systems such as HBASE/HDFS where the Burst worker node are designed to support such things as direct connections to HBASE region servers or HDFS data nodes, thus scaling a single data load up to multiple parallel/concurrent worker to worker data streams.
This is quite effective and is the way that Yahoo's Flurry Analytics product does fast and efficient loads of mobile application data into Burst.

Architectural Areas

The total Burst working theory of operation can be categorized and distilled down to a specific list of architectural concepts/approaches. Many of these areas are simply best practices for eliciting high performance out of linux servers, distributed architectures, and modern CPU/memory systems. However, individually and collectively, each of these is critical in its own way to the fast, consistent, cost-effective, low-latency processing of the enormous data-sets and rich analytics that Burst was designed to provide.

1. Data model
2. Data management
3. Single-Pass scan
4. The language pipeline
5. Data structures
6. Runtime topology