
Burst Data Structure Architecture

The combination of our dependency on a standard JVM runtime and the hot inner loop algorithms of Burst's single pass scan model, make for extraordinary high demands on CPU/memory architecture. From the very start of design and implementation, we had to be uncompromising in our approach to time and space resources.

Design Rules

What this translated to was a small number of rules to follow for what we consider major data structures (those that are large and/or accessed within hot inner loops):

  • never allocate JVM objects during the single pass scan.
  • all major data structures are contiguous chunks of non-JVM (native) memory
  • where possible keep accesses to major data structures isolated to a single thread
  • where possible access major data structures in a forward-only access pattern
  • always examine and optimize generated bytecode for major data structures
  • where possible avoid locks/synchronization on high concurrency, high transaction rate data structures.

Put another way, do not allow the JVM to manage your objects and try to help out the CPU cache line memory system.

This then translated to a series of design patterns:

  • create our own custom data structures in non JVM allocated off-heap memory
  • allocate and access those data structures using per-thread pools based on lock-free off-heap queues
  • grow data structures via appending memory
  • do not use java accessors - do your own memory ptr math

Non JVM Structures (off-heap)

Burst was committed to a JVM runtime environment at the beginning of our research and design phase. As we developed our base line algorithms, i.e. the single-pass scan combined with the basic set of counting/grouping calculus operations, we discovered right away that the required transaction rates against required scale scale datasets would quickly break down where even a single JVM object was allocated in an inner loop. That is a sobering reality and one we had to grapple with in a big way. While the modern JAVA GC subsystem was nothing short of miraculous in being good at what it does, and could be fine tuned a million different ways, it was completely inadequate to meet our needs. So like many other JVM based systems we had to code all of our inner loop operations completely outside the JVM womb.

Off Heap JVM

The way we did this is by using basically the same techniques that are used in the Java libraries. While not explicitly supported, it is possible to reach below the Java veneer and directly allocate, manipulate (via standard memory pointer arithmetic), and free process level memory. This is often called off-heap or native memory. It is at time challenging to use, especially in the lack of direct tools support, but it was a lifesaver.

Scala Value Classes

While we gave up on standard JVM objects, we did get some help from the fact that Burst is written in Scala. Scala has a language feature called Value Classes. These are a special category of Scala Objects that can in a well-defined set of usage patterns create a compiler driven illusion of an object without in most cases actually creating an underlying JVM object. This allows Burst to take an off-heap physical memory pointer or physical memory offset referencing some part of native, off-heap memory, and have the compiler 'wrap' that in a set of static accessor that deliver much of the convenience and design elegance of objects.

Locking and concurrency

The high transaction rates and large data sizes that Burst demanded also showed us that many (most?) standard data structure such as standard JAVA queues did not perform well when stressed by high rates of fine-grained operations especially with more than one thread involved. They also tended to shed or churn JVM objects. Luckily we did not have to write our own lock free off heap queues. Luckily we found them in JCTools. Our off heap data structures are pooled using their lock free queues.

Thread binding and Locality

We were also very careful to organize/pool off heap memory into regions that were restricted to use only by a single thread. While we do not have direct evidence this method delivered to our expectations, our working theory of operations regarding modern multiprocessor/memory systems would seem to favor this.

linux disk-backed memory

Burst single pass scans large datasets stored in disk backed caches. These caches need to be able to flip this data in and out of memory quickly and efficiently. Like many systems out there, Burst makes heavy use of the OS provided (linux) disk mmap operations. These operations can be coaxed to work with our off-heap data structures. The combination of off heap, mmap, regions, caching, async IO, all come together harmoniously in standard Java lib disk operations. This allows us to outsource much of our memory management to the operating system. This performed very well for us especially since we also scanned memory in a forward only mode which works well with standard OS aggressive page prefetching models.